To cancel or change your flight, you will need to check your confirmation email. Contact information for the airline or 3rd-party travel company you are booked with will be listed there (phone number and/or website link).
For flights booked directly with the airline, there will be an airline link to manage your booking online and a phone number that you can call the airline if you need to cancel or change.
For flights booked via our booking partner on our website, you have 2 options for canceling your flight.
If you see a red “Cancel Booking” button and it is still within 24 hours of purchase, you can cancel your booking by clicking that button. Make sure you check that you received a cancellation email afterward which will confirm it was successful.
If you are outside the 24-hour window or the cancel button is not working, you can call the phone number listed in that same confirmation email to hear your options.
(*Keep in mind that any cancellations or changes will depend on the airline you booked with and their policy.)
If you have already canceled the flight, you can send us a message with the confirmation code and we can refund the Skiplagged service fee if you were charged one.
For flights where you were linked outside of Skiplagged's website to complete your purchase, you will need to contact that airline or online travel agency with your request. Contact information and cancellation instructions for that online travel agency will be listed in your confirmation email.