Most of the hotel bookings found on Skiplagged are non-refundable based on the hotel's cancellation policy presented to you at the time of purchase.
You can find your cancellation policy information in the Important Information section of your confirmation page under the "Cancellation Policy" section. Unfortunately, once a reservation is booked, we do not have the ability to change or modify it (no changes to dates or location), so canceling it may be the only option if the hotel approves and you will be subject to any cancellation penalties that may apply.
Please review all of your reservation details carefully before making your hotel reservation.
If you booked a non-refundable booking, you will need to get approval from the hotel to waive their cancellation fee to allow a refund. Before you contact Skiplagged, it would be helpful for you to reach out to the hotel with your request, make sure to get the name of someone who has the authority to approve, their title/department, and have them note their approval in the system. When you contact Skiplagged Support Team, please provide us with details such as the hotel Trip Number, your name, the email used to book, and the reason for your cancellation request along with the name of the person who approved from the hotel who approved the cancellation.
*Note: hotel approval for cancellation requests are not guaranteed and will depend on the hotel's policy.
If you booked a refundable hotel booking, you will be able to see a blue link to “Cancel Reservation” on the confirmation page. Make sure to review the “Cancellation Policy” section at the bottom of the page before you click to cancel. Once you have successfully canceled, you will receive an email confirming the cancellation and the refund will automatically be processed back to the original form of payment.
If you need further assistance, please contact our Support Team at with the details of the hotel booking including name, email, and hotel Trip Number.